
Contact Us at info@1stsunderlandgb.org.uk

"We're a busy bunch, and this is what our average year entails"

Our company has some regular events that occur every year come rain come shine. We've detailed these below for you, but if you have any further questions regarding events then contact us at info@1stsunderlandgb.org.uk

Subs are paid termly, or can be paid yearly. Subs are due on the first Friday of each term.

At Fulwell we participate in the gift aid scheme this increases the amount of money we receive without any additional cost for you. If you have yet to complete a gift aid form or any of your details have changed please come and see us on a company evening to complete a new form. Further information is avalable on a company night.

Parent's Evening
Parents Evening is around Easter each year and is the time when parents, family & friends are invited to come along and support the girls. During the evening the girls are presented with awards for company evenings and church attendance. Prizes are awarded to the girl in each age group who has shown to have done her best in everything she has been asked to do. There is also a chance to see what the girls have been doing over the past few months, as they entertain us with some of the things they like to do on a company evening.

At our Enrolment service we will welcome new girls into the company and applaud girls who continue to come each week and contribute by their enthusiasm and individual attitudes to make the company what it has become today. The service is aimed at providing something for everyone, from young to simply young at heart!! Take this opportunity to experience something a little different, the message you receive may surprise you, if you listen carefully enough.

Activity Weekend
Each year our company attends a activity weekend at a adventure centre during September. Those over the age of 7 are able to attend this weelend, Each year we aim to do different activity's, which we hope presented each girl with situations in which they can learn new life skills and grow into a capable young woman. nfluence logo

Young Leader Training n:fluence 14-18s

GB offers a structured approach to the development and equipping of our younger leaders.

The resource n:fluence 14-18s, helps develop leadership skills and to engage in practical leadership activities. These younger leaders are also encouraged to help out with the members of younger GB age groups.

We offer 3 levels of equipping:

  1. Foundation stage for those in school Year 10 and above
  2. Intermediate stage for those in school Year 11 and above
  3. Advanced stage for those in school Year 12 and above.

This training is about enabling the older n:sprie girls in the company to attain the skills and knowledge to work with the younger sections of the company and become a leader. The training is split over 3 years, as the girls work their way from a foundation to advanced young leader.  The training is being approached in a more holistic manner through a challenge concept covering topics studied include how to work with younger children, communication, leadership, faith issues and team work.

The aim of the training is to ultimately use the young leader's skills, where there are best placed and most valued within the company. This could be running a section of younger girls within the company, supervising games sessions, organising trips and generally acting as a role model to other girls in the company

Holiday Weeks
Girls' Brigade runs during school term time and therefore we take a break from our company evenings during school holidays.

GB logofor more information on Girls Brigade please visit https://www.girlsbrigadeministries.org.uk/

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